Have you ever heard someone say one the following things: “I knew they were going to say before they said it.” “What they really wanted to say was…” “If just one more thing happens, I don’t know what I’m going to do.” “I knew when I woke up today that today wasn’t going to be a good day.”

Most of the time when comments like this are made, it is with a slightly negative undertone. It is so easy for us as humans to assume the very worst about a situation, without being in it. When we assume the very worse about a situation we are damaging ourselves and all others involved.

How does assuming the very worst damage us and everyone else? That question can be answered with one word. Attitude. When we assume something about a situation it affects our attitude. If we assume that someone doesn’t like us or is purposely treating us in an unfair manner our attitude automatically changes.

As medical professionals, we should have an excellent attitude, by always assuming the very best about ourselves, our clients, and our situation. This produces the right attitude to deliver your very best service to your clients.

Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz

So how do we intentionally assume the very best? The answer once again is revealed in one word; imagination. What we as humans undoubtably do is, we imagine something before it actually happens. We have the power to imagine something good or something bad. Imagining something bad is an example worry. The actual incident has not happened but we develop the feeling of the negative occurrence happening. Once we have the feeling of something, good or bad, we become that. If you want to do good all you have to do is create the feeling of good. As I have said before worrying is a very poor use of one’s imagination. Therefore, if you have the ability to worry you also have the ability to assume the very best.

This is how it’s done. This is an exercise. This is not designed to be easy or comfortable. The first time you ever got on a squat rack to begin exercising your legs was not easy. If you continued to squat, then all of a sudden you were able to do more weight and more reps. The stress and the feeling being uncomfortable begins to subside. You had to continue to increase the stress intentionally, in order to continue to develop and get stronger. What you are going to do here is an exercise. You are going to create an image of the way you desire your inter-action with your next patient to be. You’re going to imagine how you’re going to greet them, how they’re going to greet you, how are you going to stand, how you are going to smile. You are going to imagine as much as you possibly can and in great detail. This is an exercise to perform prior to interacting with your client. The better you are at performing this exercise, the better your results.

This is what will begin to happen. You will began to act as if the upcoming situation is going to go well, therefore it will began to go well. The stronger your belief, with a correlating great attitude, the better your results will be. Assuming the very best creates an atmosphere of achievement and positive results.

Begin today with your next client and let me know your results. Not only will you feel better, but your clients will also.

Live at Your Best

Lynn Pierre

Create the ideal work environment! Not without challenges, but ideal. This not like any other boring meeting or class you have experienced. This 30 days of education and activities. Your team will have challenging activities to perform daily in order to rewire their thinking in a positive direction. No matter how great your team is, there is always another level of growth. Pre-register today @ Lynn Pierre Coaching!

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